Sunday, 8 April 2012

Shangalia 21st/ March/12

     On this trip to Shangalia we got the same kids who played Pictionary with us last time and we went back into the class room. At first we played Pictionary for about an hour and the kids were still pretty excited and happy about playing against each other. Then after a while they were getting a bit out of control so we decided to change the game. We decided to play hang man and each team had a hangman and whichever team guessed the wrong word their man would slowly be hung. Then the kids decided to do their own hang man and we all had to try and guess and we no longer had teams.
            Then we decided to think of some more games that were a bit more educational so we asked all the kids to go to the back of the class room. Then we asked each kid to spell  a word and each time they got it right they would  take one step forward and whoever  got to the front of the class room first because they had the least words spelt wrong would win. This was a really fun and educational game for the kids and I could tell that the kids were eager to play. Even the kids who had a hard time spelling they still looked eager to play and learn how to spell new words. I realized this was a good game to play for our  next trip to Shangalia it was something the kids were interested in and the kids having difficulty spelling could learn while having fun.

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