We all met at Java
as usual and we went to do the Runda Feeding program around 10:40. We began separating the items and cutting bread
and putting them into separate crates. This time there wasn’t that many sweets
and cookies but there was a lot of bread, bananas, milk etc. Then we went to go
give the trays of food to the old men and women and before we knew the kids
were already pouring into the cabana where we were going to give out the food.
The hardest part of this Runda feeding program is being unable to give more
food to all these people who look so desperate for food and it is even worse
when they ask for more food and you can’t give them more because if you give more food to one person then there will
be less for someone else.
The majority of the time the kids and the people who come
by the cabana to get food do not smile or look happy which makes me sad and I feel
like I’m really not helping change or help this kids lives. But once in a while
there is a child who looks in distress and I expect them to go by with no smile or a thank you but they sunrise me with the most excitement
in their eyes and a very sweet thank you which makes me smile and happy about
the little I can do for them . During this time in Runda for the first time
they brought out some cloths and all the kids that went by got a pair of
cloths. This made me really happy because unlike food, cloths can last a really
long time and you could see that this new item added to their bag which usually
contains food made them really excited and the kids who went by with almost no
emotion went out with a glint of happiness because of the new clothing they
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