Sunday, 29 April 2012

Runda Feeding 22nd/ April/12

   This Runda feeding started later than usual because the people who work at Runda have chnaged their usual startying time so we waited at Java until about 11:15. When we go there we did the usual; sorting out food and then giving out the trays to the elderly. But for the first time it was really disorganized and chaotic at the end.  Usually after the people got the food they woudl exit through the other end of the cabana and sometimes they would try to get in again so that they could try and get some more food. But  it never really got out of control because there was always one guard at the end of the cabana preventing teh kids from reentering. But for teh first time it was really out of control.
    It started of normally with us giving out the food to all the people who came by. for the first time there seemed to be more older people such as teenagers and people in their 20’s which is very unusual because usually I give the food to little children.
            Then all of a sudden when there was a little more food left to hand out one of the managers came and took the food away, which was very  unusual and then they told us to move away from the edges because there were A LOT of people reaching over, asking for some extra food and more items. The guards would constantly go up to the edge of the cabana and literally whip them and hit against the wall really hard to prevent them from entering. This was such a vulgar and chaotic scene which shocked me. It was very unusual and I was really disappointed with the way the day ended but I guess it was inevitable and it was bound to happen eventually but it was such a big shock and I hope it doesn’t happen again and that next time it will be more organized and controlled.

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