Wednesday, 19 October 2011

PTO Picinic-Ball Toss

On the 10/sep/11 there was the PTO welcome back picnic and from 8 am-1pm I was attending to the athletic council ball toss. It was really fun and exhausting to attend to people rushing to play this game that looks simple but was actually pretty hard.  The point if the game was to stand behind a line and toss a ball into a hole 3 times and if you get the ball in 3/3 times you would win t-shirts and footballs, if  you got 2/3 you would receive packs of chips and candy and so on the less balls you threw into the whole the smaller the prize. In the morning there were very few people who came to try the game but then when Luka one of the boys basketball players tried to play and missed almost every single time other people wanted to play and beat him especially because he was a basketball player and he couldn’t even get the ball into the hole while little children were able to make it. It was really funny to see this happen, but at this time there were a rush of kids wanting to play, even though it felt a bit chaotic it was exhilarating to have all these kids wanting to play this game which was very deceiving.
By the afternoon many people failed and they kept coming back because they were determined to get more then one ball into the whole. It was fun watching them try to succeed. Even though it was tiring to try and get everything organized especially when all of a sudden there was a rush of kids who wanted to play. At one point during the rush of kids we ran out of candy and we didn’t know what to do because Mr. Quinet our supervisor wasn’t available and wasn’t picking up his phone and we had kids who wanted there prize so I had to use our money to go by some candy from another stall, and as soon I bought the candy with our money he cam back with candy! I was so annoyed and frustrated but relieved to see that it all worked out. By the end of the day both Binoy and I were exhausted because we worked the whole day with no breaks. I was proud of my self and I realized how much fun I had running the stand which had a lot of customers.
At the end of the day after we packed up and counted the money all the hard work paid of because we got 17,000 sh which is a lot of money and I was surprised we raised that much money but it was a success and I never would have thought that the a small game like the ball toss would draw so many customers but since it’s so deceiving it drew in a lot of eager children.  Overall I learned how to manage a game and how to keep the place more or less organized when it became hectic. At the end my arms and back were exhausted from bending over to be at the level of the kids, I was happy I ran the stand because I learned how much I enjoyed helping little kids play this game and witnessing their happiness and determination to succeed made me happy to be part of athletic council during the PTO picnic.

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