Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Interact Bonding Day

On Saturday 3/Sep/11 there was an Interact meeting which was for all the people who were accepted to join Interact. In the beginning we learned about what our goals for the first semester were and who the heads of each committee was. When we finished we were  split into our committees and those committees were split into two because there were too many people, so then  one area of  the room would have two separate tables and both would have the same committee groups but for the games we were competing against each other for the time being.
One of the bonding game options was to build a Lego tower with all the pieces the fastest and the tallest. We had to estimate the time we thought we would build it in and how many pieces we could use, and every person in the group had to be assigned a segment that they would complete. The second game option was to figure out which patient out of 6 should live depending on their circumstance, and when the group choose who would live they had to give a reason why. I choose to do the Lego tower, and our group built a pretty tall  Lego tower but since we didn’t understand the rules properly we wrote down that it would take us 10 minutes to build it when in reality it took us less then a minute. We were disappointed when we came last because the judges were judging us on how close our estimated times was. Even though we would have won if it was judged on how fast we built our tower. I felt that we were a pretty good group even though we misunderstood the instructions.  We were able to assign certain specific Lego pieces to each person who could build it the fastest and we were able to communicate well with each other.
The point of the Lego game was to show us how in certain situations in Interact we will have to assign each person a job and a  responsibility and each member has to contribute to  execute the project correctly. If it is done correctly then we are capable of creating something good with the help of every team member. The other game was to teach us that choosing one person to live would have many disagreements because everyone has a different opinion  but in the end they had to choose someone and that’s how Interact club works, many people have different opinions but in the end you have to work together to solve a problem.
            When it was around 12:45 we had a lunch break and we our group was sent out last because we lost but we felt that it was unfair since we didn’t understand the rules properly, but it was ok because we thought we were winners inside and we did our best. J  After the short lunch break we went outside to play another game. The object of the game was to have our separate committees; service, finance, international and club.  We competed against each other in a potato running game. We had to put a potato on a spoon and run to the other side of the field then around a chair and back to the starting point the fastest without dropping the potato. It was fun but unfortunately the 1st service group lost but the 2nd service group came 2nd and I felt proud of us!
            After the game we went back inside and we got into our whole service group and we got to know everyone and we talked about what things the service committee does and what our goals for this year were. By the end of this I became the secutary of attendance. After our small get together it was the pinning ceremony time. We all got up and were given our new pins and finally we were officially initiated into the club, it felt good. Even though I thought that the pins were really small and I was pretty sure I would lose it, and if we did we would have to pay about 500 sh. and  if we didn’t bring one to the meeting we would have to pay 50 sh. We finished around one and I was excited to be part of this club which does so much service and interactive things with our community.

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