Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Basketball game Against RVA

On the 13/sep/11 we left school early to go paly against RVA for basketball football and the tennis. This was our second game and we were playing RVA ‘B’ team which was nerve racking because we knew that the RVA ‘a’ team was pretty good and we didn’t know how good the ‘b’ team would be so we were a bit nervous but excited. When the game started we were a bit disorganized even though we knew we could do soo much better because RVA ‘b’ team wasn’t that good, but somehow by the first half we were only winning by about 4 points. We needed to pull it together and start playing properly and we did start playing a bit better by the third quarter.  Even though we won 38- 15 we all felt that we could have done WAY better in our execution of plays and defense. Our coach even said it would have been better to lost because of the way we were playing and if it was a better team we would have been destroyed because of the result of our overall playing. I felt that we did do really badly but luckily (hopefully) since it is only the beginning of the year we can only get better and learn from our mistakes.

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