Saturday, 25 February 2012

Shangalia 22nd/Feb/12

    Since this was the third visit to Shangalia and I didn’t want to do storytelling anymore because the kids were also tiered of the same  activities so we decided to play charades where we would whisper into their ears what we wanted them to act out and then the rest of the kids in the ‘audience’ would try and guess what they were doing. At first they were really shy so we had to go first to teach them how to play and then they started getting into it and volunteering.  The silly things we made them act out made them happy and it was nice to see them having fun. After a while of playing this game some of the boys left to play football and we wanted to do something else with the kids who were just sitting and watching so we decided to teach them how to do the Macarena. It was the most adorable thing to see them trying to do the same actions as we did. Even though we looked very silly and ridiculous it was nice to see them laughing with us. Then we taught them some hand games which they seemed to like even though they took along time to understand. This was the first time in Shangalia where I felt that we taught them some new .fun and interesting games which they could play with each other if we weren’t there. At the end of the day I was REALLY happy to share some of my childhood games with them.

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