Saturday, 10 March 2012

Shangalia 7th/ March/12

       This time when we went to Shangalia we wanted to do something different other than storytelling so we went into one of the class rooms and we split the kids up into two different groups and we decided to play Pictionary. Each group got to choose their team name and they were either on my side or Rheas side. Then Rhea and I would take turns drawing pictures on the board and each team took turns trying to guess what the picture was. If they got it right then they would get a point. It was a really fun and interactive game. After a while we  chose one kids  from each team to come up and draw a picture but first they had to discuss with the team what they were drawing. Then the other team had to try and guess what they were drawing. This allowed the kids to practice their drawing and their team building skills. This was something new the kids got to play and they seemed to enjoy every minute of it, and it was really fun playing it with them.