Saturday, 26 November 2011

Runda feeding program (20/Nov/11)

            This was my second trip to Runda on the 20th of November and it is amazing how Runda is such a sophisticated and modernized location and as you drive further you see an undeveloped almost slum like area. This just demonstrates how even in a suburb there are always poor and less fortunate people around the corner. As we went into the area we began sorting out the food as usual and breaking the bread and bananas. Then we went into the home for the really elderly men and we served them their food in the trays. It was really sad to see how miserable they look and the whole room smelled like pee. Despite the scene I was happy that these elderly people at least had a place to stay during their old age unlike many people who don’t even have homes. Then we went over to the area where the elderly women were placed. For some reason they looked younger then the men and a bit more joyful because they were outside in the sun while the men were so old and sick that they had to stay inside which was  really sad. After serving the food to the elderly we went back into the shed where the other food was and we waited for the kids to come by so that we could pass out the food and the candy. 
        This program from interact even though it makes me sad seeing all these people getting such little food I’m still always happy to be a part of something bigger then myself, being able to help the community and make a child or an adult happy for some time. And every once in a while i come across a child who is beaming, with a smile stretching from ear to ear because of the food they are getting. When this happens i'm always so happy to make someone else happy and i really appreciate the small things in life!          

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Selling Drinks and Food for money for prom

            The 11th grade class decided to sell drinks at the Macbeth play in order to get some more money for our prom  on the 17th of November. I went to sell drinks and small snacks and foods from 5-7 and this play was a success because from the beginning there were dozens of people coming by and buying food before they entered to watch the play. I felt that going to the Macbeth play and selling food and drinks allowed us to raise a lot of money and it was worth it.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

ISK final against RVA

            On the 12th of November was the RVA final and it  was such a nerve racking time for our whole team. We were practicing so hard just to be able to beat this team or come close to it because RVA was our toughest competition.  As soon as we walked into the gym we were already nervous and anxious but ready to play.  As the whistle blew and the game started RVA scored the first point but that wasn’t going to faze us we kept in running and trying to keep up with them. By half time  we were about 10 point behind them and we still had a little bit of hope left, but I could tell that everyone was already slowly giving up including myself. By the third quarter they were almost double out score and they were playing extremely well and I honestly knew that we could do better then this game we were playing. By the end of the match we lost by a land slide and it was VERY disappointing because we could have done much better! In the end we won 2nd place. Looking back on the game I think we could have done a better job of defending and marking our man throughout the games because that was one of our major weaknesses which led them to score so many points. 

Sunday, 6 November 2011

OVC Christmas party

 The interact club every year organized an OVC Christmas party and this time we had the Christmas party on the 5th of November. We walked over to the place which was about 5 minutes way from the school and we brought all the kids and we placed them into three groups of about 15 kids and we were going to go around into different stations. One of the stations was to play outside on the playgrounds, then to go into the multipurpose room to draw and that was where we  gave them cloths that we were gathering for both boys and girls so that they could use in order to change into when they went to the swimming station. The moment they went to change and got into the pool with floats you could see a light of joy ignite in their eyes. And their smiles grew from one side of their faces to the other. The moment I saw this I felt so happy for providing something so little  that we are able to receive to these kids. And I new that their Christmas was almost complete all they needed was their meal. So we went to the final station where they received their food and by that time it was almost 12:30 and then we had to get them all gathered because all the groups were almost done with their activities and we were ready to take them back to the center. By 1 o’clock we were back at the center with the happy kids and I felt so happy for what I was able to give to the kids. At the end of the day I was so happy with what I had done for theses kids, it was all worth while seeing the smiles on their faces and I knew that we made someone s Christmas great and I really  appreciated being part of  Interact because it allowed me to make many childrens lives better and it made them much happier.